Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Moving on Up!
I assume my first post on the new site will be this one (totes lame, I know), but I expect to bang one out next week before I jet off to LA to be a real life Penny Lane for a week.
I want to thank everyone for reading and to keep reading (PLEASE!!!), see you over at the Two-Headed Nerd!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Batman:Year One
Matt and Joe were kind enough to invite me on their show (aka they finally got sick of hearing me bitch about not being on the show) and give my thoughts/reaction on a comic of their choosing. My segment even has a title "Kacie's Krazy Korner" (ugh, racism) and theme music! Since The Dark Knight Rises, just opened the previous weekend, they figured that "Batman: Year One" would be a nice tie in.
Click here to find out if I give this comic a "buy it, skim it or leave it..." Oh the suspense!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Gandalf vs. Dumbledore
For those of you that don't know, I am currently training for the Lincoln half marathon on May 6. It is a huge commitment of my time and a lot of running. When I run I need some pumped up jams to keep me motivated like this and this. Especially on my long run days, like last Sunday, for instance.
I was well into mile four heading to the finish line at mile five when it happened. All of a sudden there was what sounded like a drunk yelling in slow motion and then this happened.
You see, my husband and I share a Spotify account. Or I should say, I mooch of his and created myself a sweet running catalog of hits. Apparently two weeks ago when he was creating a nerd playlist to be heard during The Two-Headed Nerd Comicast one year anniversary/birthday party, he starred this song and dragged it to what he thought was the nerd folder. Alas, it was my running folder.
I almost fell off my treadmill when it came on. Seriously, to the ground. Even the photo that popped up when I went to change the tune almost stopped me on the moving belt. But, just as I was about to swipe on to the next song, something took over and my finger froze. That's when the rapping started. But not just any rapper, oh no. This was Gandalf from 'The Hobbit' and 'The Lord of the Rings' versus Dumbledore from the Harry Potter series. IT WAS AMAZING! Words cannot do it justice, so the lyrics are below.
You shall not pass!
I rap fast like Shadowfax
Tom Riddle me this, you bitch
How's your little wand gonna beat my staff?
I leave mics in flames, torched by Gandalf,
Touch mine Dumbledore and scorch your other hand off
You fool, you got Snaped, you're not a real fighter
Death makes you die and just makes my brights, brighter
You ass is like Grigotts, everyone makes a deposit,
We all know you've more than a boggart in your closet
The prophecy forgot to mention this day,
When I knocked your ass back to Gandalf the Grey
Check your status, they call me headmaster, you're nothing
Nice staff, you compensating for something?
I prefer the company of wizards and I'm proud of it,
You try to win your battles with two fat hobbits
You think your hairy toed friends are gonna harm me?
Wait 'til the get a taste of Dumbledore's Army
Do not take me for some conjurer of cheap tricks,
I don't give a Fawkes about your Order of Phoenix
I'll tie a new not in your beard, with your wrinkly balls
For I am the one rapper to rule them all
Your spells are a joke, not funny ones either
Mines of Moria? Ha, more like Mind of Mencia
I'll Expecto my Patronum on your face, you little snitch
And when I'm finished, I'mma fly like it's-a quidditch.
I think this has to be my new running song, right?!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
The Hobbit has Dwarves, who knew?!
The biggest offender of this probably is The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I love fantasy novels and movies, so no, that is not the issue. I also love a lot of the people in the cast...Charlie "Not Penny's Boat" Pace (serious LOST spoiler alert if you click on that link). So, not a casting issue either. It's just, I don't understand why Frodo just didn't get rid of the damn ring during hour two, because really, it would have saved me at least $15 bucks and seven hours of my life.
Fast forward...The Hobbit is being made into two movies, by Peter Jackson, of the Rings Trilogy fame. When I heard the news I could have cared less. I did not like the book or the play. In fact, I remember being in 7th grade when my High School did a production of The Hobbit and about 30 minutes in wanted to eat my face off from boredom. My husband on the other hand cannot wait.
He loves all the Tolkien books (and movies) like some people love the Bible. He even thought we should take our honeymoon in New Zealand, not to see New Zealand but to STAY IN THE HOBBIT HOUSES!
A little while ago the first Hobbit trailer was finally released. We were laying in bed talking about movies and decided to watch the trailer. Have you seen it? Well, again, not my cup of tea, but honestly, watching my husband watch the trailer should have been a movie itself.
There was smiling, giggles, screams of "AWESOME!," more giggles and then tears. Yes, HE CRIED WHEN THE HOBBITS SANG (correction from my husband -the Dwarves we're singing, not the Hobbits). The scene of them singing reminds me of the Irish Hour NPR airs on Sundays at noon (apparently that hour is called The Thistle and Shamrock with Fiona Ritchie another correction from my husband), my least favorite hour on the radio.
I was in disbelief. I do not think I have ever cried over a movie trailer. Cried in a movie, yes, totally acceptable, but crying over hobbits (or dwarves, if we are being totally correct here, geez) singing a song, I was speechless. I am sure I had this face the entire time this was happening.
The best part, to this day, is that when we talk about The Hobbit the following spews from him "When they broke out in song....(insert grunt noise and hand to heart motion) it made me tear up. It's gonna be so good. AHH!"
For all those that want to go sing hobbit songs (whatever, dwarf songs) and cry, please contact my husband. He will sit there with you, drink an ale and weep tears for the homies Sam, Pippin and Merry (and apparently added by my husband: Fili, Kili, Oin, Gloin, Thorin Oakenshield, Dwalin, Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Nori, and Ori).
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Skyrim (a photo entry)
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Christmas Movie Rankings
Sunday, October 16, 2011
And we gonna ride the boogie...